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My last post before 2015

(By the way, this post was written on another blog that I was working on, but have decided to move to this one. I Was sporadic in my posts back then, so there wasn't much to share between the end of last year until now. So that's why there is a big gap in posts...)

So it's official, and the countdown has begun. It's 10:30 where I am, and the fireworks are starting to go off in my neighborhood. They are so pretty to sit and watch, and I'm so thankful that it's not my family doing it because they are banned from our town. But hey, if other people want to risk it, then so be it.


We were invited to go over to a friends house, but that didn't work out. And now it's just going to be a quiet evening (hopefully) at home with my husband and the twins. According to him, they haven't been the most well behaved kids. But since I've been home, they have been pretty good.

Recapping my 2014, it's been a good year. I started college, moved up in my career. I have two amazingly healthy babies (minus to RSV and Pneumonia that they just got over...). They are both growing so well, and I am enjoying the life we are living now.

A few sad notes about this year. My older children moved away. And one of my dear friends retired, and now I won't see him very often.

When I think about moments that truly impacted my life, I think about something that happened recently that I want to share. It is something that reminds me that there are some truly amazing people in the world, and I should be grateful to know this family.

A few weeks back, one of my loyal customers came to me (he also happens to be a pastor at a local church) and asked me if we needed any help with Christmas. I politely declined and insisted that there are other families that are more in need than ours is. So he left it alone for a couple of days, and then sent me a text (yes, he has my number since our families have gotten close over the years). He asked again, and again I politely declined. He told me I was stubborn. Then Christmas Eve, I had to go to the store to get a few things. And while I was there trying to figure out what I absolutely needed because I didn't have a whole lot of money to spend, he came around the corner, and walked up to me. We chatted for a moment, and the next thing you know, he's handing me an envelope, and told me to quite being stubborn, and to just take it. He said it wasn't much, but that he wanted me to have it. There was a little less than $100 in it. Little did I know that this particular night would be the night that I would be taking my PT4 to the hospital, and he would be admitted for Pneumonia. Hospital food is expensive! I was able to get my groceries, and use some of the money to help with hospital expenses. This was absolutely a God-send at the time. It's like God knew what was about to happen, and he sent this loving man my direction at just the right time. I was crying when he handed me the envelope, and cried on and off again when I would think about that moment. Tonight, I was reminded of this particular moment when this same man came into my store and asked about one of my twins. I almost started balling again.

It's hard to sometimes believe in the goodness of people. But then things like this happen, and it is such a great reminder of how there are still some good people out there.

Have you ever experienced something like this?

He did mention one thing to me. He asked that in the future, when I was able, that I pass it on. And I will definitely try to do it. Multiple times.

In fact, I already did it once. While at the hospital, Christmas Day, I was in the cafeteria, and there was a mom and her daughter (her daughter was in hospital clothes, and a wheelchair) down in line ordering their food. At first I hesitated. And then I remembered my dear friend asking me to pass it on. It wasn't much, but I took a $20 bill out of my wallet from the money he had given me, and I walked over and handed it to the mom and asked her if I could buy their breakfast. I handed her the money, told her Merry Christmas. She hugged me and then we parted. It made me feel so warm inside. I loved that feeling. I want to feel it again. And soon. I hope another opportunity will present itself and I can continue to pass on the goodness that was shown to me.

What have you selflessly done for others lately?

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